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The DCCPF is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.  All donors receive a thank-you letter as an official receipt.  As required by The Internal Revenue Service donors receive no goods or services in return for their gifts.

Friends of the Davis County Courthouse
A $25.00 annual unrestricted donation identifies a Friend of the Davis County Courthouse.  By joining and renewing annually, continuing Friendships provide DCCPF with crucial operating funds needed to research options and make recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors as they address emergency, short and long-term projects. Friends also support research and applications for grants and other funding opportunities for historic preservation of the Davis County Courthouse building and grounds. For continuing annual support, Friends of the Davis County Courthouse will receive news and event information, articles and press releases via email at the time of their release.

($1 transaction fee added for donations of $25 or less,
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Donor Recognition Program
All contributors are recognized in a program that compliments the Friends membership program by recognizing both restricted and unrestricted donations in a cumulative way. For more information on donations, including memorials, please contact us. All donors are recognized for total contributions at the following levels:

Donations of unrestricted funds only:
$25 – Friend ($1 transaction fee for online donations.)

All donations (including accumulated Friends donations)
$50 – Keeper
$100 –Steward
$500 – Preserver
$1,000 – Protector
$2,500 – Guardian
$5,000 – Conservator
$10,000 – Grand Conservator
$20,000 – Erroll Bennett Benefactor*

* In 2005, Erroll Bennett, Bloomfield High School Class of 1932, gave $20,000 to the Clock Fund formed in 2003 with funds donated from the Ride for the Clock, for restoration of the Davis County Courthouse clock and bell.  The interest income from this and other restricted donations and grants provide funds required to form and operate the DCCPF to date.

Contributions are tax deductible. Checks should be made out to the Davis County Courthouse Preservation Fund or DCCPF.  The donor may write "unrestricted" or designate restrictions in the memo line. The mailing address is DCCPF, P.O Box 136, Bloomfield, IA 52537.


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