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Colonel S.A. Moore, from his Fourth of July address on the public square in Bloomfield, July 4, 1876. 

“Much anxiety has existed on the part of some citizens concerning the location of our public buildings, and many honest but differing opinions have been expressed touching that question. ‘Let us have peace.’ If the decision of wisdom shall be to place it in this beautiful park, to uproot this magnificent grove of evergreens and forest trees, to strip it of its foliage and drive the plowshare over this beautiful carpet of verdure, this velvet, downy covering for the naked soil beneath your feet, and give us in its stead a pile of brick and stone and mortar— I say if the voice of wisdom shall thus enter her decree, I will bow my head in silence and submission as a citizen and bid my heart be still. But as a soldier, in common with my comrades, I shall feel a pang of sorrow at my disappointment. Pardon me, please, for this brief personal allusion. I wrote out and set up the type and printed the notices for the first call of our citizens together on this ground to plant the trees that were to beautify and adorn this park, that I hoped would live forever. That one generation succeeding another would rest and refresh themselves beneath the foliage of the trees our hands had planted. With that tender care and solicitude every citizen of the county has watched their growth from the little shrubs to their present grandeur...”

This website is a growing repository of information about the Davis County Courthouse and grounds. We welcome any information, legends, stories, memories, pictures, drawings, maps, etc.  All these things will add to our knowledge. We will make them accessible to the public as we update this website. In this way we hope to solve the mysteries and tell the story of this great building, as we continue to work toward its preservation for the enjoyment of future generations. Please contact us if you would like to share photographs or information about the courthouse.

Architectural Features


Through the Years


Historical Images and Maps