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Clock & Bell Fund-Drive

Dear Friends,

By the fall of 2005, a group of special people had contributed over $6,000 dedicated to restoring the historic Seth Thomas clock and Meneely & Kimberly bell in the Davis County courthouse. The Davis County Courthouse Preservation Fund was formed to safeguard the money, and as an ongoing fund for historic preservation of the courthouse and grounds.

Before the clock and bell could be restored, the clock tower and other areas of the courthouse had problems that needed to be addressed. Over the past six and one-half years we have completed projects totaling over $330,000 in value, with a total of over $217,500 provided through grants and private donations. Since 2005, the $6,000 clock and bell fund has grown to $27,000.

We are thrilled to report the Board of Supervisors are now ready to pursue restoration of the clock and bell. This is what we've been waiting and working diligently for! Since the Supervisors don't feel they can spend taxpayer dollars on this project it is up to us to raise the entire amount needed to complete this project. That is why we are making this appeal. We've set a goal of $56,000 to cover the cost of restoration.

Will you please contribute?

Thank you very much!


Clock and Bell Fund-drive

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The Davis County Courthouse Preservation Fund is a 501(c)3 organization legally recognized by the IRS, and will be happy to provide necessary information to anyone who wishes to qualify for matching funds from their company. Please contact Linda Boatman at 312-848-4662, or desdir@aol.com, for further information and to answer any questions.